
The Big Bang is THE accepted scientific theory for the creation of the Universe. 13.7 billion years ago, everything that is the Universe (me, you, our homes, the Internet, planet Earth, Sun, pizza, etc.) was contained in an object the size of a pea.

Think about that a moment.

Everything you've ever loved, thought, felt, touched, smelt, tasted, and experienced - everything that every single human being (past, present, and future) knew, created or will ever do was contained in that tiny pea.

Over billions of years that pea's explosion created mega stars that burned out, collapsed & exploded - creating complex fuel for 2nd & 3rd generation stars. And from this complex fuel, little old Earth was formed on the outer rim of the Milky Way Galaxy. 4.5 billion years later, we, human beings, roam the surface, made up of the same molecules & atoms as crystals and the Earth itself, which is made up of the same molecules & atoms as the Sun and everything else in the universe.

When I think about the Big Bang, 3 things stand out. One, that once upon a time EVERYTHING was related. Two, that humans are made up of the SAME molecules & atoms that form stars & planets. And three, that the expanding universe is all about ENERGY and BALANCE.

And that is what Crystal & Energy Healing is all about - energy and balance. So pay attention.

Posted by CRYSTALHEAL is Manda (ML) and Utsavo (Ken) at 11:31 PM

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