
It's a water crystal, taken after showing water the words "love and gratitude". Do you see the beautiful hexagonal shape and detailed outer edges?

But what would happen if you showed the same water negative words, like "you fool"?

This is the result, a deformed crystal that seems broken, its core broken apart in what seems to be an explosion. Simply put, water takes on the intent of the message given it - beautiful and structured when good, ugly and deformed when bad.

The story behind these incredible photos is Masaru Emoto , who devotes his life to the study of water and who has written several books about the hidden messages in water and about the life force he calls hado .

Dr. Emoto's initial research led him to conclude that water has the ability to copy information at a subatomic level. He found evidence by freezing water previously exposed to various influences to -5C, then photographing the melting crystals when exposed to light.

From these photographs, Dr. Emoto discovered that water took on the characteristics of whatever influenced it, whether words, speech, music, emotions, chemicals, or even nature. In fact, the most beautifully formed crystals were those influenced by positive words, music, emotions, and even prayer. Negative influences such as negative emotions, chlorinated city tap water, or angry heavy metal music led to deformed or non-forming water crystals that showed characteristics of the influence itself.

Dr. Emoto also discovered a way to measure these influences through the use of Magnetic Resonance Analysis (MRA), which measures electromagnetic resonance produced by water's electrons. By coupling this to a spectroscopy machine, he produced 4 to 5 digit numbers which became his data. As this data grew, Dr. Emoto postulized that the vibrational resonance energy, named Hado, could be the source of energy behind the creation of all things.

Hado is perhaps the universal life force, known to many as chi, prana, mana, or bioenergy. Several healing practices such as acupuncture, tai chi, massage, yoga, crystal healing, and chakra balancing base their fundamentals on this force. But evidence of this force has been theoretical and metaphysical ... until now.

Masaru Emoto's groundbreaking research into the effect of human consciousness on water is a must read and I for one am extremely touched and affected by the power of his photos, especially since water makes up 70 percent of every human body.

Out of all of Dr. Emoto's photographs, the most beautiful water crystals were those influenced by three little words - love and gratitude.

posted by Utsavo at 6:53 PM 3 comments

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